News & Wins

Family House Baking Event

Family House Baking Event

On September 17, 2024, Pitt and UPMC employees from across the Department of Medicine (Geri, GI, GIM, HVI, ID) came together to make gluten free chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and yummy blueberry muffins for the residents and staff at Family House.

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Book Share Pop-Up: Our Own “Free Little Library”

Book Share Pop-Up: Our Own “Free Little Library”

During the week of April 22-26, People First hosted a Book Share Pop-Up Event. In the spirit of a “Free Little Library,” people were encouraged to take a book that interests them and/or leave a book that would interest others.

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Snuggles for Seniors: Blanket Delivery!

Snuggles for Seniors: Blanket Delivery!

On Thursday, November 16, members of People First had the opportunity to provide 50 blankets to the residents of UPMC Canterbury Place. During the visit, our members engaged with the residents and personally distributed the blankets. It was a heartwarming and delightful experience for all involved!

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Snuggles for Seniors: Inaugural PF Service Project a Success!

Snuggles for Seniors: Inaugural PF Service Project a Success!

People First's inaugural quarterly PF Service Project, Snuggles for Seniors, was a great success! Participants measured, cut, and tied fabric to create tie blankets for local seniors. While working in groups, blanket makers were afforded the opportunity to meet new...

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Lea Odorisio puts people, patients first

Lea Odorisio puts people, patients first

A physician recently shared this story about People First member, Lea Odorisio: Yesterday I added a patient to my schedule at the insistence of Lea. The patient refused to go to the ER when Lea suggested it. It was because Lea insisted I see the patient that we...

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