A physician recently shared this story about People First member, Lea Odorisio:
Yesterday I added a patient to my schedule at the insistence of Lea. The patient refused to go to the ER when Lea suggested it. It was because Lea insisted I see the patient that we realized something was very wrong. The patient, who had a pacer inserted 10 days prior, had severe chest pain and was found to have a hemopericardium due to the pacer leads perforating the patient’s myocardium. The patient was life-flighted to Presby and taken to the OR. Lea is the reason the patient’s life was saved!!
A co-worker, Nan, commented:
Lea received an ACE award earlier this year because she took a co-worker to Magee ER on New Years Eve who ultimately needed emergency surgery on her spine. This is just who she is.